Meet the committee

Tim Horsler (Vice-chair) - Long leaseholder, Trinity Church Square

Provides support for Tania Clark with the above, handles top level liaison with Trinity House and its agents on key issues, oversees production of e-Letters, represents interests of non-Trilogy block leaseholders.  

Tania Clark (Chair) - Freeholder, Bedford Row

Chairs monthly meetings, oversees strategic initiatives/priorities, membership drives and communication with members.

Elaine Scullion (Secretary) - Long leaseholder, Trilogy block

Fulfils statutory secretarial duties, represents with Jane Salveson and Raffaele Manfellotto the interests of Trilogy block long leasehold and other residents.

Kenneth Donaldson (Treasurer) - Freeholder, Trinity Street

Manages and reports on income, costs and all financial matters.

Ali Walker - Assured tenant, Trinity Church Square

Monitors and pursues Conservation Area and other planning matters with Council, liaises with Southwark Film Unit and Knight Frank on filming plans, monitors and pursues repair and maintenance matters with Knight Frank, provides advice for Assured and liaises on advice for Protected tenants.

Ed Heckels - Freeholder, Trinity Church Square

Receives and distributes emails addressed to, organises social events, monitors and assists in maintenance of public gardens and spaces, liaises with Southwark Council and others on planning, refuse and graffiti issues.

Jane Salveson - Long leaseholder, Trilogy block

Represents with Elaine Scullion and Raffaele Manfellotto the interests of Trilogy block long leasehold and other residents.

Ann Tyler - AST, Merrick Square

Pursues Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) interests with Sky Cracknell.

Mary Jane Kane - Long leaseholder, Cole Street

Manages members’ discount scheme with Shaun Stern and manages equipment hire.

Sky Cracknell - AST, Falmouth Road 

Pursues green and environmental matters, edits and produces bi-annual Newsletter, manages Instagram communications, designs and produces promotional material, pursues Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) interests with Ann Tyler.

Raffaele Manfellotto - Long leaseholder, Trilogy block

Manages and maintains membership records, represents with Elaine Scullion and Jane Salveson the interests of Trilogy block long leasehold and other residents.

Shaun Stern - Freeholder, Trinity Street

Monitors community safety and security, attends Police Safer Neighbourhood Panel meetings and liaises with Southwark Council on such matters, manages members’ discount scheme with Mary Jane Kane.

John Moore - AST, Falmouth Road

Provides advice on AST rents and contracts, researches and reports on Knight Frank/Trinity House rental policy and practice.